How to find us – Contact
Via Bonifica Km. 4.8
Cell.: +39 329 7118016
Tel.: +39 0861 749621
Fax: 0861 753541
How to find us
from Pescara: take the A14 north and continue until the exit of Porto D’Ascoli. At the exit of the motorway take the Adriatic state road southwards (towards Pescara 700 m) at the first intersection turn left (reclamation of Tronto) and continue for about 4.8 Km where on the left near Enel pylons you will find our headquarters.
from Ancona: take the A14 south and continue until the exit of Porto D’Ascoli. At the exit of the motorway take the Adriatica state road southwards (towards Pescara 700 m) at the first intersection turn left (reclamation of the tronto) and continue for about 4.8 Km where on the left near Enel pylons you will find our headquarters.